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Guests of the Institute
Academic year 2012/2013
November 2012
Prof. Arleta Veglia - Autonomous University of Madrid (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Professor in the French Studies Department at the Autonomous University of Madrid (Faculty of Philosophy and Literature). Her research interests focus on interpreting and translation of law in French and Spanish.
Professor Veglia delivered two lectures at the Institute for French Studies as follows:
· «Analyse et traduction des instruments de la coopération judiciaire en matière pénale: commission rogatoire et mandat d’arrêt »
· « Compréhension de textes juridiques en vue de la traduction »
December 2012
Marzena Sowa, Franck Pezza – Wallonia – Brussels Delegacy
The invited guests delivered a lecture on a Belgian comic book.
Marzena Sowa is the author of French-Polish comic book strips. While studying at the University of Bordeaux, she met a cartoonist, Sylvain Savoia. Since 2004 they have been working on authobiographical comic series, Marzi, published by Dupuis. The series (published as six volumes so far) familiarize the reader with the life of a little girl and her family in communist Poland in the 1980s.
Franc Pezza – Wallonia–Brussels delegate in Poland with accreditation to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
March 2013
Prof. Frank Wilhelm – University of Luxemburg
Professor emeritus of French and Francophone literature at the University of Luxembourg.
On the occasion of Francophone Week 2013, Professor Wilhelm delivered the following lecture at the Institute for French Studies:
· Poland through the eyes of Luxembourg writers
Prof. Fabrice Marsac – University of Opole
Professor Marsac delivered the following lectures at the Institute for French Studies:
· L’accord du participe passé employé avec un auxiliaire en une seule règle
· Les constructions infinitives régies par un verbe de perception au Carrefour de la syntaxe et de la sémantique
· Les discours politiques televises: pour une analyse multi-approche
April 2013
Prof. Didier Francfort – University of Lorraine
Professor of modern history at the University of Lorrain in Nancy and Director of the Institute of Cultural Europe History in Luneville. He specialises in comparative cultural history.
Professor Francort delivered the following lecture at the Institute for French Studies:
· Comment peut-on être Polonais? La construction de l’altérité dans la culture française contemporaine.
Prof. Delphine Gleizes – Univeristy of Lyon 2
Professor Delphine Gleizes is a lecturer at the University of Lyon 2, specialising in nineteenth-century French literature. She led LIRE reseach team (CNRS and University of Lyon 2) and published, in cooperation with Sarga Moussa, a book, Juliette Récamier dans les arts et la littérature. La Fabrique des représentations (Paris, Hermann Editors, 2011). Beside works of Victor Hugo, being a great specialist thereof, Delphine Gleizes has been engaged mainly in research that examines the relationship between literature and art as well as the reception of literary text in pictures (illustrations and film version). She has participated in numerous international conferences in France, Poland, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Brazil.
Professor Glaeizes delivered the following lectures at the Institute for French Studies:
· Symbole et allégorie dans l’oeuvre de Victor Hugo : regards croisés sur les textes et les dessins
· Le romancier et l’historien (première moitié du XIXe siècle).
Prof. Véronique Jago-Antoine – Archives and Museum of Literature (Brussels)
Véronique Jago-Antoine is a science attache at Archives and Museum of Literature in Brussels. She is also a member of an interuniversity research group, « Écrits d’artistes ». Her research interests encompass the relationship between Belgium’s French-language literature and the fine arts (publications, plastic and literary exhibitions). As an example, she took part in a project, Irréguliers du langage, research, Musée imaginaire d’Emile Verhaeren, a review of Rodenbach’s art as well as the transposition of Henri Bachau’s art. Currently, she is engaged in the works of Jean Jean de Bochère and Christian Dotremont - writers and artists whose collections are gathered in the Museum of Literature.
Véronique Jago-Antoine is also the author of a volume of poetry, Le Silence en éclats., published in Éditions Tétras Lyre in 2012.
Professor Jago-Antoine delivered the following lecture at the Institute for French Studies:
· Du dialogue texte/image à l’élan logogrammatique: regards sur Jean de Boschère et Christian Dotremont
May 2013
Prof. Richard Huyghe – Paris Diderot University
Profesor Huyghe delivered the following lectures at the Institute for French Studies:
· Quelle sémantique pour les noms d’événements en français?
· La distinction massif/comptable en français
· Métaphore et métonymie: les mechanismes de la polysémie
Prof. Pierre Martin – University of Poitiers
Pierre Martin specialises in sixteenth-century French literature at the University of Poitiers and is a member of a research group, Forell (B2- Hypogée) that is engaged in compiling and circulating old-time literature. His Ph.D. thesis is devoted to Maurice Scève’s Delii. His primary reaseach interests include sixteenth-century poetry and emblems. He published Amours de Ronsard avec les Commentaires de Muret (in cooperation with Christine de Buzon and Didier Erudition, Paris, 1999), Odes de Ronsard (Atlande, Paris, 2001), an edition of Christofle du Pré’s Larmes funebres (Droz, 2004) and a critical edition of Antoine de Bourgogne’s Linguae vitia et remedia (Atlande, 2009). He has just edited a French version of Andreas Friedrich’s New Emblems (PU François Rabelais/PU Rennes Parution Editors, 2013) and currently is preparing a French edition of P. August Chesneau’s Eucharistic Emblems as well as translation of Taurellus’ Political and Ethical Emblems. In addition, Pierre Martin explores the problem of a cabinet of curiosities and, in cooperation with Dominique Moncond’huy and with Espace Mendès France’s support, developed a website,, which is devoted to that subject.
Professor Martin delivered the following lectures at the Institute for French Studies:
· „Regrets” de Du Bellay (1558): une nouvelle fabrique du sonnet
· L’illustration de la langue française et le sonnet amoureux
Prof. Dominique Picco – University of Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3
Dominique Picco is a lecturer in history at the University of Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3. She specialises in seventeenth and eighteenth-century cultural and social history including education and diaries of women.
Professor Picco delivered the following lecture at the Institute for French Studies:
· Mme de Maintenon, épistolière.
Dr. Freiderikos Veletopoulos – University of Poitiers
A researcher at the University of Poitiers, a member of a research group, FoReLL A (EA 3816). He conducts research on the following areas: corpora of learners of French as a foreign language, comparative linguistics, semantic and syntactic description of predicates in Greek and French.
Based on
Dr. Veletopoulos delivered the following lecture at the Institute for French Studies :
· Les sentiments dans les manuels de FLE
Academic year 2011/2012
June 2012
Prof. Marta Estrada (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
Professor of the Department of French and Romance Languages in UAB. Lectures (at BA and MA levels) on corrective phonetics, experimental analysis of speech, speech processing and language formalisation. In her scientific research relates to descriptions of various speech disorders (also with respect to L2), prosodic analysis (emotional in particular), prosody formalisation and a failure to understand speech by persons using Romance languages.
In classes conducted in the Institute of French Studies (under LLP Erasmus), she discussed contemporary prosody description techniques used in emotionally marked texts and selected speech disorder problems – in both cases using Spanish and Catalan examples.
Prof. Patricia Martinez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Lecturer in French Studies Faculty of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, conducting lectures in French literature of 18th and 19th century and conducting MA studies in “the French Literature and Philosophic Thought in 20th Century.”
She performs a number of scientific and administrative functions: associate dean responsible for MA and PhD studies at the Philosophy and Literature Faculty of the UAM, member of the Scientific Committee of Coordinators of the Virtual Library E-Excellence, portal (digital resource development project for research and educational objectives) and the head of the French and Francophone literature division of this library as well as member of the editorial committee of Gran Enciclopedia Cervantina.
Her research focuses on contemporary poetry and fine arts, poetics of contemporary novel, links between literature and philosophic thought, comparative literature and reception of the works of Cervantes in France. Information on her major publications can be found in French version of the web site, under the tag Nos invités.
Her classes conducted in the Institute of French Studies (under LLP Erasmus) focused on letters on arts by Y. Bonnefoy using the example of Goya and relations between literature and anthropology on the examples of works by Pierre Jean Jouve.
May 2012
Prof. Margarita Alfaro Amieiro (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Graduate of French Studies in Universidad Compultense de Madrid. Professor of UAM since 1993, where she has held, since 2009, a position of prorector for cooperation and development and conducting classes in contemporary French and Francophone. Heads a research group ELITE (Etude des Littératures et Identités Transnationales en Europe) dealing with inter-cultural Francophone literature in Europe. She is a member of IUEM-UAM (Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Mujer), where she has been working on women literature. She is an author of many publications, recently participated in a publication of a collective work „Passages et Ancrages; Dictionnaire des écritures migrantes en France depuis 1981” (Champion, Paris, 2012)
The theme of her classes and lectures in the Institute of French Studies (under LLP Erasmus) was the works of French language Swiss immigrant writers Agota Kristof and Adrien Pasquali.
Prof. Petr Dytrt (Masaryk University in Brno)
Lecturer on contemporary French literature analysing, primarily, contemporary and the newest French novels from the perspectives of modernism and post-modernism, published scientific works in this area in the Czech, Slovak, Polish and French scientific periodicals as well as critical articles on contemporary French novels translated into Czech. Among the latter, he published Le Postmoderne des romans de Jean Echenoz. De l’anamnèse du moderne vers une écriture du postmoderne, Brno, Masaryk University Press, 2008.
Within the framework of his teaching work in our Institute (under LLP Erasmus) prof. P. Dytrt discussed selected aspects of the works of R. Merle, J. Littela and J.-Ph. Toussaint.
Prof. Amr Helmy Ibrahim (Université de Franche-Comté)
Professor of linguistics at the University in Besançon, head of research at the Université Paris-Sorbonne, cooperates with the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo. His research was inspired by the works of Maurice Gross, Zellig Sabbetai Harris and Oswald Ducrot. His doctoral dissertation (1979) compared verb systems of the Egyptian species of Arabic language, contemporary Arabic and French. He developed a model for description, comparison and interpretation of languages Analyse matricielle définitoire, based on a specific property of a language i.e. having, in performance and normal use, keys facilitating explanation of differences between them and problems faced by their students and researchers. His book presenting synthetic picture of this research commenced fifteen years ago will be published at the end of 2012 or in the beginning of 2013.
In the Institute, Professor A.H. Ibrahim will deliver a lecture on „How to measure complexity of the so-called simple clause and the so-called dependent clause?”
Prof. Anne-Laure Metzger-Rambach (Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3)
Specialist in Renaissance literature, lecturing comparative literature, member of EA TELEM. her research involves in particular translation practice and theory in the Renaissance Europe (translation of the Bible, Latin texts and dialects into French). Participates in the work on one of the volumes of History of Translation into French (15th and 16th century) edited by J.-Y. Masson and Y. Chevrela. Works on Narrenschiff (Nef des fous) by S. Brant and translations as well as adaptations of the work in Europe (Latin, French, English). Her scientific interests are also focusing on a madman character in literature and art and ways of thinking about the world in an era of Renaissance, in a context of paradox (Brant, Erasmus of Rotterdam etc.).
In her classes fro the students of the Institute of French Studies (LLP Erasmus) she presented French versions of „Nef des fous” (turn of 15th and 16th century) and discussed theory and practice of translation of sacral and secular texts in the epoch of Renaissance.
Prof. Catherine Rannoux (Université de Poitiers)
Professor of linguistics and stylistics, lecturing on textual linguistics, discourse analysis and stylistics. In her research she looks, mainly, at the notions of dialogism and polyphony, ways to present indirect discourse (stimulated by research conducted by Jacqueline Authier-Revuz) and manners to illustrate in language on the basis of examples of French writers of 20th and 21th century.
Within the framework of the lecturer exchange programme LLP Erasmus, prof. C. Rannoux conducted, in our Institute, classes on utterance theory by J. Authier-Revuz and the issue of plagiarism.
April 2012
Prof. Anne Martineau (Université de Saint-Étienne)
Specialist in language and literature of Medieval France. Her doctoral dissertation defended in Sorbonne under the tutorship of professor Philippe Ménard analysed midget characters in the French, Arthurian literature (Les Nains dans la littérature arthurienne française du Moyen Âge). Since 2000, she has been lecturing in the Université de Saint-Étienne. Currently she prepares edition of manuscript L 3 Guiron le courtois (London British Museum Additional 36673) and publication of a book about motives of weasels in legends and literature. Furthermore, she has been participating in preparation of two collective works: the first, remaining with a domain of rhetoric, on authority based argumentation (La Parole en interaction: l’argument d’autorité, Centre d'Etudes sur les littératures étrangères et comparées, Saint- Etienne), and the second being a literary dictionary of animals (Dictionnaire littéraire des animaux, Centre Interuniversitaire d'Histoire et d'Archéologie Médiévales, Lyon).
The list of major publications can be found in French language version of this site (Nos invités) .
Prof. Anne Martineau, in her classes conducted in our Institute (LLP Erasmus), discussed a motive of madness in the works of Adam de la Halle and talked about Paris of François Villon.
Academic year 2010/2011 May 2011
Prof. Vincent Vivès (Université de Valenciennes)
Professor of literature in the University of Valenciennes. His research focuses on connections between literature (especially poetry) and music and philosophy. He has published writings about Mallarmé, P. Verlaine, T. Gautier, G. Apollinaire as well as Y. Bonnefoy. He is currently working on an essay devoted to F. Nietzsche and G. Bataille.
Professor Vincent Vivès will deliver a lecture on 12 May (Thursday), at 1:15 p.m., in room 121 :
Crises de vers et représentations du monde chez Verlaine et Mallarmé
Prof. Dolors Catala (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
A linguist. She takes part in many research projects, both Spanish as well as international. Her main scientific interests focus on commonplace structures (phrases, adverbial phrases, proverbs) and their IT processing as well as foreign language didactics. She is the author of an electronic diary of Spanish adverbial phrases.
Prof. Dolors Catala will deliver a lecture on 11 May (Wednesday), at 11.30 a.m., room 121:
Figement et proverbes
April 2011
Prof. André Bénit (Autonoma University in Madrid)
Professor of literature in the French Studies Faculty of the Autonoma University in Madrid. He lectures on Francophone Belgian literature and French language as well as doing a seminar concerning socio-linguistic and literary aspects of the French language. In his scientific research as well as numerous published works he is interested in the influence of the Spanish Civil War on Belgian literature, the so-called „ irréguliers du langage „ as well as presence of the Japanese language in Belgian literature.
He published i.a. : "Les écrivains belges, chroniqueurs de la Guerre d'Espagne", in Bruno Curatolo et Alain Schaffner (dir.): La chronique journalistique des écrivains (1880-2000), Dijon, Editions Universitaires de Dijon, collection Écritures, 2010, pp. 65-76 as well as "Le réseau: une notion en plein essor dans les études littéraires belges", in Maria Hermínia Amado Laurel, Maria de Jesus Cabral & Lénia Marques (éds): Cultures Littéraires. Nouvelles Performances & Développement, Carnets (revue électronique d'études françaises), numéro spécial, automne / hiver 2009, Associaçao Portuguesa de Estudos Franceses (APEF), pp.139-162 (ISSN: 1646-7698).
Prof. André Bénit delivered a lecture (as part of a supplementary course in Belgian literature) 18 April, at 9.45 a.m., in room 126 :
Japonisme et modernité dans la Belgique fin XIXe siècle : arts décoratifs et littérature
March 2011
Prof. Anouchka Vasak (Université de Poitiers)
Professor of French literature, specialist in Enlightment literature. Lectures on 17th and 18th century literature and history and is interested on matters of texts bordering on literature, geography, anthropology, painting and anthnology. She is a member of many research groups and associations, connected with studies on the 18th century.
She published i.a.: Météorologies : discours sur le ciel et le climat, des Lumières au romantisme, préface de Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Champion, collection „ Les Dix-huitièmes siècles „ (2007) as well as Abrégé d'Histoire du climat, Entretiens avec Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Fayard (2007; a new edition titled Trente-trois question sur l'histoire du climat, 2010).
Prof. Anouchka Vasak delivered two lectures in UW Institute of French Studies:
- La faillite des utopies au XVIIIe s.: le cas de Cleveland de l’abbé Prévost (30.03, at 11:30 a.m. room 114)
- Conte philosophique, conte du philosophe: Voltaire et Diderot (30.03, at 3:00 p.m., room 121)
Prof. Catherine Mayaux (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
Professor of French literature, prorector for international cooperation and Director of the Institut des Études doctorales. In scientific research she specialises in research on poetry, matters concerning poetics as well as links between the Bible and literature. She has published extensively, i.a. on: Saint-John Perse, Henri Michaux and Paul Claudel. She is the author ofką Les lettres dsie de Saint-John Perse, les récrits d'un poète (Gallimard, 1994) and Saint-John Perse lecteur-poète, le Lettré du monde occidental (Peter Lang, 2006).
Prof. Catherine Mayaux delivered a lecture (29 March, at 1:15 p.m., room Śląska):
* - L’architecture du poème Vents de Saint-John Perse: habiter un Nouveau Monde
en poète
Prof. Arlette Véglia Andrea (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Professor in the French Studies Department in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Philosophical-Literary Department). Her specialty is translation in specialised legal French and Spanish.
Professor Arlette Véglia delivered a lecture in two parts:
8 March 2011 (Tuesday), 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m., room Śląska (Oboźna): “La fiction à substrat professionnel: le cas de la bande dessinée politique et juridique” (part 1)
9 March 2011, (Wednesday), 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m., room Śląska (Oboźna): “La fiction à substrat professionnel: le cas de la bande dessinée politique et juridique” (part 2)
October 2010
Prof. Kathleen Gyssels (University of Antwerp)
Prof. Kathleen Gyssels heads the University of Antwerp Postcolonial Research Group as well as being a member of the scientific committee of Institut d’Études Juives of the University of Antwerp. She is also manager of the Francopolyphonies series in the Rodopi B.V. Amsterdam-New York publishing house. Her main area of interest are Francophone and post-colonial studies as well as Jewish matters. She is the author of many articles and books from this area, i.a.: Passes et impasses dans le comparatisme postcolonial caribéen: cinq traversées (Paris, Champion, 2010).
Prof. K. Gyssels delivered a lecture on 2 November this year at 1:15 p.m. in room 121 at Oboźna:
André et Simone Schwarz-Bart, un cas unique de co-écriture francophone
Prof. Jean-Paul Engélibert (Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux III)
Prof. Jean-Paul Engélibert, scholar of contemporary French literature and a comparatist, is our guest for the third time now (see below). This time he not only delivered a lecture for students but also took part in an international scientific session about the city, organised by our Institute.
Prof. J.-P. Engélibert delivered a lecture on 21 October, at 1:15 p.m., in room 121 (Oboźna) titled:
Une littérature étrangère en français: Antoine Volodine.
On 5 October 2010 the Institute of French Studies welcomed the Ambassador of Canada in Poland Mr Daniel Costello, who delivered a lecture titled “Canada today” and then at the invitation of Prof. Józef Kwaterko, he visited the Canadian-French Culture and Quebec Literature Studies Desk.
1, 2, 3.
Academic year 2009/2010
May 2010
Prof. Arlette Véglia Andrea (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Professor in the French Language Department in the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Philosophic-Literary Department). Her specialty is translation in specialised legal French and Spanish.
Professor Arlette Véglia delivered two lectures:
19 May 2010 (Wednesday), 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., room 128 (Browarna): Le protocole diplomatique dans l’optique interculturelle
20 May 2010, (Thursday), room 114 (Oboźna): Le français des institutions européennes
Prof. Dominique Picco (Université Bordeaux 3)
Prof. Dominique Picco is a historian of modern culture, lecturing in the University of Bordeaux 3. He actively takes part in work of CEMMC (Centre d'études des mondes modernes et contemporains) as well as SIEFAR (Société internationale d'étude des femmes dncien régime). He first of all deals with matters connected with:
- Education of women in the 17th and 18th century (home and monastery)
- the history of individual school disciplines: history and geography
- the fate of women during the French Revolution
- Religious life in France in the 17th and 18th century
Key publications from the last five years:
- „Genre et jeunesse à l’époque moderne” , Genre & Histoire, n°5, Automne 2009
- „ Être femme, jeune et noble pendant la Révolution française „, dans Christine Bouneau, Caroline Le Mao (dir.), Jeunesse(s) et élites. Des rapports paradoxaux en Europe de l’Ancien régime à nos jours, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009, p. 199 à 219.
- „ L'histoire pour les demoiselles de Saint-Cyr (1686-1793)” dans Jean-Claude Arnould et Sylvie Steinberg, sous la direction de, Les Femmes et l'écriture de l'histoire, 1400-1800 Rouen, Publication des universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2008, p. 493 à 511.
- „ "Tourner doucement le premier usage de leur raison à connaître Dieu " ou l'instruction religieuse des filles de bonnes maisons dans la France du XVII e siècle „, dans D. Lopez, Ch. Mazouer, E. Suire, sous la direction de, La religion des élites au XVII e siècl e, Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, Bibio 17, 2008, p. 37 à 52.
- „ L'éducation des demoiselles de Saint-Cyr (1686-1719) „, dans A. Defrance, D. Lopez, F.‑J. Ruggiu, sous la direction de, Regards sur l'enfance au XVII e siècle, Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, Bibio 17, 2007, p. 115 à 131.
- „ Les Dames de Saint‑Louis, maîtresses des Demoiselles de Saint‑Cyr „, dans I. Brouards‑Arends et M.‑E. Plagnol‑Dieval, sous la direction de, Femmes éducatrices au siècle des Lumières , Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007, p. 273 à 287.
- „ L'éducation des filles de la noblesse française aux XVII e -XVIII e siècles „, dans J. Dumanovski, M. Figeac, sous la direction de, Noblesse française et noblesse polonaise : mémoire, identité, culture XVI e -XX e siècles , Pessac, Maisons des sciences de l'homme dquitaine, 2005, p.475 à 497.
- En collaboration avec Josette Pontet (Université Bordeaux III), „ Les finances du Musée de Bordeaux „, P. Taïeb, N. Morel-Borotra, J. Gribenski, sous la direction de, Le Musée de Bordeaux et la musique, 1783-1793 , Rouen, Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2005, p. 35 à 52.
- „ Origines géographiques des demoiselles de Saint-Cyr (1686-1793) „ , dans C. Grell et A. Ramière de Fortanier, sous la direction de, L'éducation des jeunes filles nobles en Europe XVII e et XVIII e siècles, Paris , Presses de l'Université de Paris Sorbonne, 2004, p. 107 à 126.
- „ Vivre et Mourir à Saint-Cyr de 1686 à 1793 „, dans J.-P. Bardet, J.- N. Luc, I. Robin‑Romero, C. Rollet, sous la direction de, Lorsque l'enfant grandit. Entre dépendance et autonomie, Presses de l'Université de Paris Sorbonne, 2003, p. 135 à 156.
Prof. D. Picco delivered two lectures in the Institute of French Studies:
- Le jansénisme au XVIIe siècle (18 May at 1:15 p.m. room 21 Browarna)
- L'éducation des filles dans les élites françaises au XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (19 May at 1:15 p.m. room 126 Oboźna)
Prof. Philippe Caron (Université de Poitiers)
He is a specialist in history of classic French language during the reign of the Bourbons.
His habilitation thesis, published with Peeters publishing house (Des Belles-Lettres à la Littérature. Louvain-Paris, 1992) concerned the evolution of profane knowledge (savoir profane) in the French language with particular consideration of evolution of the notion of “literature” in the French language.
The scientific interests of Prof. Caron also covered the history of linguistic norm in the aforementioned period in two primary respects:
- publication (in cooperation with Wendy Ayres-Bennett, Cambridge University) of 2400 unpublished comments of the French Academy about the French translation of Quinte-Curce by Vaugelas (Paris, Presses de l'École normale supérieure 1997). The publication received the prestigious award of the French Academy (Grand Prix et Médaille de Vermeil 1997);
- a critique as well as digital version of Jean-François Féraud’s work: Dictionnaire critique de la langue française (Marseille, Mossy, 1787-1788 ; rééd. Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen 1994). Dictionary in IT format developed in cooperation with
Louise Dagenais (Université de Montréal) is available free-of-charge on the "Dictionnaires dutrefois" website.
Currently Prof. Caron is working on the subject of linguistic changes in the French language, especially in the years 1610-1640. Moreover he heads a research programme concerning French pronunciation around the year 1700 in its high version (diction haute).
The latest publishing project is to turn out the Remarqueurs du XVIIe siècle with the Champion publishing house.
Prof. Philippe Caron delivered two lectures:
Tuesday, 18 May (hour and room will be announced on posters), "Décrire la langue d'un texte littéraire: l'étude stylistique",
Thursday, 20 May at 4:45 p.m. – 6:15 p.m., Śląska room - " Histoire et situation actuelle de la négation en francais".
April 2010
Prof. Anne-Marie Houdebine-Gravaud (Université René Descartes Paris V Sorbonne)
Prof. Anne-Marie HOUDEBINE-GRAVAUD deals with general linguistics and semiology; she lectures at the Paris 5 university. Her doctoral thesis (1979) about variations of the French language (phonological system) in Poitou, written under guidance of André Martineta, which made use of input from approx. 1200 questionnaires, may be considered one of the first sociolinguistic works in France.
Anne-Marie Houdebine-Gravaud launched the notion of “imaginaire linguistique” – also used by other scholars, which permits taking into account the participation of language users in the dynamics of language change (L’imaginaire linguistique, L’Harmattan, 2002).
With commitment she took part in committee work concerning feminisation of names of professions, titles and functions (1984-1986). 1998 saw the publication of a collection of studies under her leadership, presenting this matter in the French language and other languages (La féminisation des noms de métiers. En français et dans dutres langues, l’Harmattan).
The interest in linguistic variety on account of gender, the problem of sexism in language and discourse, the images of women in various communication finds permanent reflection in Anne-Marie Houdebine-Gravaud’s publications.
Prof. A.-M. Houdebine-Gravaud delivered two lectures in the Institute of French Studies:
Comment des langues parlent des femmes (occultation, péjoration, identification); la féminisation des noms de métiers comme effacement de l’effacement (Tuesday, 27 April, at 9:45 a.m., room 121, Oboźna)
De l’imaginaire linguistique ou des représentations des sujets parlants sur les langues (Wednesday, 28 April, at 9:45 a.m., room 126, Oboźna)
Prof. Marielle Rispail (Université Jean Monet de Saint-Etienne)
Professor in the University of Saint-Etienne, responsible for work of the Centre of Studies on Teaching of Languages and Cultures (CEDICLEC) as well as for studies of international research groups on teaching methodology. The key domain of Prof. M. Rispail’s scientific interest are linguistic and social practices, in school and in situations connected with multiliguism as well as oral speech didactics.
Author of i.a. L’oral dans la classe, L’Harmattan, 2006 (with J.-F. Halte) as well as Apprendre à parler, apprendre à penser. Les ateliers de philosophie (CRDP de Nice, 2007 ; one of the authors and editor of the volume).
Prof. M. Rispail delivered in the Institute of French Studies two lectures :
Didactique de l’oral en classe de langue étrangère (Thursday, 29 April, at 9:45 a.m., room 126, Oboźna)
Les éléments culturels en classe de FLE (Friday, 30 April, at 11:30 a.m. room 114, Oboźna)
March 2010
Prof. Marc Quaghebeur (Brussels)
A scholar of literature, essayist, Belgian poet. Co-founder (with Joseph Hanse) and current director of the Literature Archives and Museum, Belgium’s most important institution, which has a resource of Belgian French language literature as well as various related written, iconographic and audio documents; they also organise exhibitions, bring together scholars of literature as well as keeping excellently documented and prepared series of publications, which deliver the key works of Belgian literature (Archives du Futur, Espace Nord, Passé-Présent). Marc Quaghebeur is also a senior civil servant, with functions in the Department that is responsible for promoting literature and culture of Francophone Belgium.
A relentless researcher and promoter of Belgian literature, Marc Quaghebeur is the author of numerous articles as well as books explaining and interpreting the complex contexts of the Belgian literary phenomenon. His most important publication is undoubtedly the essay Balises pour l’histoire de nos lettres of 1982, in which the author demonstrates close connections between the history of Belgium and her literature. The publication of this book became of the events marking the start of the last period in the history of Belgian literature, called „the dialectic phase”.
Key publications:
Balises pour l’histoire de nos lettres (Bruxelles, Promotion des Lettres, 1982 ; rééd. Bruxelles, Labor, 1998)
Un pays d’irréguliers (en coll. avec V. Jago-Antoine et J.-P. Verheggen) (Bruxelles, Labor, 1990)
Lettres belges. Entre absence et magie (Bruxelles, Labor, 1990)
Anthologie de la littérature française de Belgique. Entre réel et surréel (Bruxelles, Ed. Racine, 2006)
Chiennelures (Montpellier, Fata Morgana, 1983) (poetry)
Clairs obscurs (Le Temps qu’il fait, 2006) (prose poems)
Prof. Marc Quaghebeur delivered a lecture as part of the Froncophone Week, on 22 March, in the former UW Library, room 308 (3rd floor), at 10:00 a.m.:
Belgique, Wallonie, Flandre. De curieux jeux d’interférences
The event was organised jointly with Wallonia-Bruxelles Delegation.
Etienne Barilier
One of the most eminent Swiss writers; born in 1947 in the French-speaking canton of Vaud, honoured with highest Swiss literary awards, Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres of the French Republic, a novelist, essayist, translator from German and Italian, erudite.
Etienne Barilier also lectures in the University of Lausanne in literature and literary translation.
The central place in his very rich range of works is taken by culture, the artists (especially painters and musicians) in search of beauty, confronting art and life, motifs of music and Italian motifs (the writer is a great connoiseur and scholar of Italian culture). He is also interested in the role of an intellectual in the modern world. Etienne Barilier is the author of over 40 works, including:
- Orphée (story, debut, 1971)
- L’incendie du château (novel, 1973)
- Le chien Tristan (novel, 1977)
- Alban Berg : essai d’interprétation (essay, 1978)
- Prague (novel, 1980, Prix Rambert)
- Les petits camarades, essai sur J.-P. Sartre et Aron (essay, 1987)
- Musique (novel, 1988)
- Soyons médiocres ! essai sur le milieu littéraire romand (essay, 1989)
- B-A-C-H : histoire d’un nom dans la musique (essay, 1997)
- Les belles fidèles : petit essai sur la traduction (essay, 1990)
- L’énigme (novel, 2001, Prix Michel Denton)
- Ma seule étoile est morte (novel, 2006)
16 March at 9:45 a.m., in Brudzińskiego room (Kazimierzowski Palace), a Francophone Week meeting was held with the author, titled:
„Ecrire en Suisse romande”
For interested persons:
Etienne Barilier – Beauty will save the world (an article in Polish)
Prof. Valérie Deshoulières (University of Saarland, Saarbrücken)
Professor of French and comparative literature. Director of the French Institute in Saarbrücken. Her interest focus i.a. around the issue of melancholy, sources of modern artistic and literary work, the subject of ruins in 20th century literature, connections between ancient times and postmodernism. Papers on Dostojewski, Claudel, Musil, Cortazar. Apart from scientific articles and essays, Valérie Deshoulières also publishes literary and theatrical reviews in various periodical publications. She is also the author of novellas as well as short novels, which she published under the pseudonym of Sophie Kahn.
Author of i.a.:
Les Faux Prophètes, La Différence, 1995 (roman)
Le Catenacciù, La Différence, 2001 (roman)
La responsabilité silencieuse. le don d’idiotie entre éthique et secret depuis Dostoïevski, Éd. de l’Harmattan, 2003 (essai)
Métamorphoses de l’idiot, Éd. Klincksieck, 2005 (essai)
Prof. Valérie Deshoulières delivered a 2-part lecture (as part of dr. W. Kroker’s lecture and class). The class materials are available as a separate dossier in the Institute’s Library:
- La Responsabilité silencieuse. Idiotie, mutisme et témoignage (Tuesday, 9 March, at 11:30 a.m. room 054 Browarna as well as at 1:15 p.m., room 126 Oboźna)
Prof. Henri Scepi (Université de Poitiers)
Scholar of literature. Specialist in 19th and 20th century French literature. His research focuses on the evolution of types, forms and figures of poetic discourse. He is also interested in the ties between text and image. He has published works on Les Complaintes by Jules Laforgue (Gallimard, 2000), Salammbô by Flaubert (Gallimard, 2003) as well as, in cooperation with Daniel Grojnowski, a critique paper on Moralités légendaires Laforgue (Garnier-Flammarion).
Author of i.a. :
Poétique de Jules Laforgue, PUF, coll. Ecriture, 2000
Les genres de travers. Littérature et transgénéricité, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2008 (in collaboration with Dominique Moncond’huy)
Prof. Henri Scepi delivered a lecture (as part of Prof. Forycki’s class) on 3 March, at 11:30 a.m. in room 121 at Oboźna:
- „ Crise du lyrisme et poème en prose: l’exemple de Baudelaire „
December 2009
Prof. Lionel Dufaye (Université Paris VII)
Staffer of Institut d’Etudes Anglophones in Université Paris 7.
Author of publications on TOE (Théorie des Opérations Enonciatives, created by Antoine Culioli) and modal verbs; he is now working on prepositions and adverbial phrases.
Our guest is also interested in analysis of advertising discourse and semiotics of advertising.
He is the author of following books:
(2009) Théorie des Opérations Enonciatives et Modélisation, Collection l’Homme Dans la Langue, Paris : Ophrys.
(2006) (co-écrit avec J.-C. Khalifa) L’épreuve de grammaire à l’agrégation dnglais, Paris : Ellipse.
(2006) Les Auxiliaires de modalité, collection GramVoc, Gap : Ophrys.
(2001) Les Modaux et la négation en anglais contemporain, n° spécial des cahiers de recherches, Gap : Ophrys.
Prof. Lionel Dufaye delivered two lectures in the Institute of French Studies, at ul. Oboźna 8:
- Analyse des propos des particules IN, FOR, BY et AWAY de l’anglais
et de leur traduction vers le français.
Monday, 14 December 2009, at 1:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m., room 114 (thematic seminar of prof. A. Mańkowska “Linguistique et traduction”)
- Sémiologie du discours publicitaire : la relation texte - image.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009, at 1:15 p.m.- 2:45 p.m., room 126 (MBJ)
Zénon Kowal (Wallonia-Bruxelles Delegation)
Delegate of the Governments of the French Community of Belgium and the Wallonia Region, serving in Warsaw since September 2008. Before coming to Warsaw, Zénon Kowal had a similar function in diplomatic missions in Tunis, Prague, Hanoi. He was also a special advisor of the Embassy of Ukraine in Brussels as well as Executive Director of a group of international advisors with the presidium of the Ukrainian Parliament.
In 2001 he created the European Jazz Festival in Hanoi.
On 8 December, in room 121 (Oboźna), at 11:30 a.m. Mr Zénon Kowal delivered a lecture in the Institute of French Studies on „Problèmes du fédéralisme belge”.
November 2009
Prof. Catherine Ebert-Zeminovǎ (Charles University in Prague)
Professor of French literature. Specialist in 20th century French literature, with special focus on literature from the turn of the 19th and 20th century. She is interested in the theory of literature and literary critique as well as ties between literature and psychoanalysis.
Prof. Catherine Ebert-Zeminovǎ delivered a lecture (as part of the lecture of Prof. Z. Naliwajek):
- „Figure de Narcisse dans la littérature du XIXe siècle” (Monday, 16 November, 4:45 p.m., room 121, Oboźna)
Prof. Christian Plantin (CNRS, Université Lyon 2)
Linguist, member of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, section 34 Langues, langage, discours ; member of the Unité Mixte de Recherche ICAR (Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissages, Représentations) team in the Lyon 2 University. The main areas of his interest are argumentation, emotions, pragmatics and interactions.
He is the author of following books:
L’argumentation - Histoire, théories, perspectives, Paris, PUF, ( “Que Sais-Je ?”), 2005.
L’argumentation, Paris, Le Seuil, 1996.
Les domaines de L’argumentation. Textes et Analyses (co-author), CNDP, Paris, 1990.
Essais sur L’argumentation, Kimé, Paris, 1990
Argumenter. De la langue de L’argumentation au discours argumenté, CNDP, Paris, 1989.
He has edited following publications:
Les émotions dans les interactions, Ch. Plantin, M. Doury & V, Traverso (éds), Lyon, PUL, 2000
La argumentación, special issue of the magazine Escritos, Université de Puebla, Mexique, 1999
Le Trilogue (with C. Kerbrat-Orecchioni), Lyon, PUL, 1995
Lieux communs, topoï, stéréotypes, clichés, Paris, Kimé, 1993
Langage, argumentation et pédagogie, Revue internationale de philosophie, 155, fasc.4., 1985
Prof. Christian Plantin delivered a lecture :
„Tendances recentes en argumentation „
(13.11.2009, at 1:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m., room 121, ul. Oboźna 8, 1st floor)
October 2009
Prof. Jean-Paul Engélibert (Université de Bordeaux III)
Scholar of literature and comparatist connected with the University in Bordeaux. Member of the TELEM group (Textes, Littératures, Écritures et Modèles), which gathers French scholars of French and French language literature as well as comparatists. Prof. Engélibert’s research focuses on contemporary French literature, the English language novel and especially the work of J. M. Coetzee, postcolonial critique and finally the ties between literature and politics as well as literature and cinema.
Author of i.a.: La Postérité de Robinson Crusoé. Un mythe littéraire de la modernité, 1954-1986, Genève, Droz, 1997 and Aux avant-postes du progrès. Essai sur l’oeuvre de J. M. Coetzee, Limoges, Pulim, 2003.
Prof. Jean-Paul Engélibert delivered a lecture :
- L’animal au-delà de la fable chez J. Derrida, J.-Ch. Bailly et A. Volodine (14 X, 11:30 a.m. room 121, Oboźna)
2008/2009 academic year
Scholar of literature. Connected with the Paris XIII University, where he heads the Centre d’Études des Nouveaux Espaces Littéraires. His research concerns rhetoric, theory of literature, ties between literature and ideology, social history of the Ancien Régime. Prof. Zoberman also deals with Francophone mythologies as well as modern theories of queer and gender.
Author of many articles as well as books, among which it is worth noting Les panégyriques du Roi prononcés dans l’Académie Française (Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, 1991), for which he received the French Academy award in 1992 as well as Les cérémonies de la parole (Champion, 1998). He also published, in collaboration with Xavier Garnier, the book Qu’est-ce qu’un espace littéraire? (Presses Univ. de Vincennes, 2006), with Anne Tomiche Littératures et identités sexuelles (No. 2, Poétiques comparatistes, 2007) as well as the volume Queer, écritures de la différence ?, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2008.
Prof. Pierre Zoberman delivered a lecture:
- De La Défense et illustration au Rivarol et au-delà. Le discours de la langue entre idéologie et caractérologie. (2 June, 1:15 p.m., room 126, Oboźna)
May 2009
Prof. Michel Ballard (Université d’Artois)
Professor Michel Ballard is one of the most significant experts in traductology. His own publications as well as those, which he was scientific editor of – are an essential benchmark for persons interested in various aspects of the process of translation.
He is co-editor of the Traductologie series from Université d’Artois as well as member of the editorial committee for international magazines in this subject area
Below are some titles by M. Ballard since 2000:
(2000) Oralité et Traduction (travaux du CERTA), Arras, Presses
l’Université d’Artois
(2003) (en collab.
avec Ahmed El Kaladi) Traductologie, linguistique
et traduction, Arras,
Artois Presses Université
(2004) (en collab.
avec Lance Hewson) Correct/incorrect, Arras, Artois Presses
(2005) La Traduction, contact de langues et de cultures (1) (travaux du
CERTA), Arras, Presses de l’Université d’Artois
(2006) La Traduction, contact de langues et de cultures (2) (travaux du
CERTA), Arras, Presses de l’Université d’Artois
(2006) Qu’est-ce que la traductologie ?Arras, Presses de l’Université
On 14 May 2009 (Thursday), Prof. M. Ballard delivered two lectures:
- "Entre systèmes et écritures" – as part of the proseminar of Prof.
T. Giermak-Zielińska, at 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.,
room 121;
- "Stratégies de travail et compétences du
traducteur" – as part of a lecture of Prof. A. Mańkowska, at 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., in room Śląska.
All interested persons are warmly invited to come!
Prof. Pierre Nepveu (Université de Montréal)
Canadian scholar of literature, poet, essayist and novelist. Professor in the Department of French Language Literatures in the University in Montreal. Member of
Académie des lettres du Québec et de l’Union des écrivains québécois. Editor of periodicals: Études françaises and Spirale. Winner of many prestigious literary awards (i.a. Prix Athanase-David awarded by the government of Québec for his entire work in 2005).
Author of many essays devoted mainly to the literature of Québec, i.a.: L’écologie du reel (1988), Intérieurs du Nouveau Monde. Essais sur les littératures du Québec et des Amériques (1998), Lectures des lieux (2004) as well as, recently, a collection of critiques, La poésie immédiate. Chroniques 1985-2005 (Éd. Nota Bene, 2008). He has also published a series of articles and reviews concerning Québec poetry.
As a poet he has published i.a. the Épisodes (1977), Romans-fleuves (1997)
and Lignes aériennes (2002).
He is currently working mainly on publishing poetry by Gaston Miron as well as on Jewish literature in Montreal.
Prof. Pierre Nepveu delivered a lecture:
Francophonies nord-américaines: figures parodiques d’un continent perdu (6 May, 11:30 a.m., room 121, Oboźna)
April 2009
Prof. Marie-Anne Paveau (Université Paris XIII)
Linguist. Researching language and cognitive skills, specialising especially in research on linguistic representations in cognitive respect, gender stereotypes and social stereotypes, the framework of discourse (prédiscours). Apart from common forms of discourse she focuses here also on verbal and non-verbal forms of body-writing (tattoos, stigmas) as well as mystic female discourse from 17th to 20th century.
Co-author of many books in linguistics, i.a. Les grandes théories de la linguistique. De la grammaire comparée à la pragmatique (in collaboration with G.-E. Sarfati, A. Colin, 2003).
Author of numerous articles as well as the book Les prédiscours. Sens, mémoire, cognition (Paris, Presses Sorbonne nouvelle, 2006).
Prof. Marie-Anne Paveau delivered two lectures (the first one as part of the supplementary seminar of dr. M. Kostro, the second one during the Descriptive Grammar seminar of dr. hab. A. Kieliszczyk):
- L’analyse du discours: méthodes et pratiques (21 April, 8:00 a.m., room 126, Oboźna)
- La passion du „ bel usage „ en français : l'exemple des normes lexicales (22 April, 3:00 p.m., room 126, Oboźna)
Dr Petr Dytrt (Masarykova Univerzita, Brno)
Scholar of literature. Deals with teaching methodology and research on contemporary French literature. The main focus of the research is contemporary prose and its ties with the ideas of postmodernism.
Author of many articles devoted to the contemporary French novel as well as the monograph Le (Post)moderne des romans de Jean Echenoz. De l’anamnèse du moderne vers une écriture du postmoderne (Presses de l'Université Masaryk, Brno, 2007). In 2008 he translated into Czech the book by Dominique Viart and Bruno Vercier, La littérature française au présent: héritage, modernité, mutations (French edition Bordas, 2005).
Dr Petr Dytrt delivered a lecture (as part of the 20th century HLF lecture of Dr W. Kroker):
- Le roman français contemporain et la postmodernité (21 April, 3:00 p.m., room 121, Oboźna)
March 2009
* Prof. Colette Camelin (Université de Poitiers)
Scholar of literature. Her works focus around French literature, especially poetry, 20th century as well as Francophone literature (L.S. Senghor). She has published numerous articles about such authors as: Victor Segalen, René Char, Hélène Cixous, Albert Camus as well as many didactic papers.
Author of books: Éclats des contraires, la poétique de Saint-John Perse, CNRS Éd., 1998 as well as L'imagination créatrice de Saint-John Perse, Hermann, 2007.
Currently as one of the authors, she is preparing an extensive critique edition of Premiers écrits sur l’art (Gauguin, Moreau, sculpture) by Victor Segalen, which will appear soon from the Champion publishing house.
Prof. Colette Camelin will deliver two lectures (the first one as part of a lecture of dr W. Kroker, the other one as part of the class of Dr M. Klik):
- L'influence de l’art d'Extrême-Orient sur les poèmes en prose de Connaissance de l'Est de Paul Claudel (24 March, 3:00 p.m., room 121, Oboźna)
- L’art de voyager dans Stèles de Victor Segalen (25 March, 1:15 p.m., room Śląska, Oboźna)
* Yves Rosset (Berlin)
Swiss writer as well as... translator, bartender, journalist, chef and traveller. He lives in Berlin. As part of his most interesting publishing project, which resulted in the book Les Oasis de transit: relations de voyages (2005), he visited Japan, Turkey, Israel, United States, Italy, his homeland of Switzerland as well as Poland. Apart from the aforementioned book he also published Aires de repos sur l'autoroute de l'information (Bernard Campiche éd., 2001).
The encounter with the writer, organised courtesy of the Swiss Embassy, will take place on 17 March (Tuesday), at 9:45 a.m. in room 121 (Oboźna) and will be part of the celebration of Francophone Week.
* Dr Buata B. Malela (University of Silesia)
Scholar of literature. He got his doctor’s degree at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and at Université Paul-Verlaine in Metz.
In his studies he focuses on sociological aspects of French language literatures of Europe, Africa and the Caribbean. His scientific interests also cover the European-African and African-American diaspora, matters related to cultural diversity as well as postcolonial studies.
Dr Buata B. Malela did a seminar, during which he delivered a lecture:
- Les écrivains afro-antillais à Paris (1920-1960) (19 March, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., library of the Centre of French Culture, Oboźna)
Mgr Michał Obszyński introduced the assembled audience to the subject matter raised by Dr B. B. Malela. Following the lecture a debate is expected.
The book by B.B. Malela, Les écrivains afro-antillais à Paris (1920-1960) (Karthala, 2008) will be displayed for viewing in the Library of the French Culture Centre starting from 5 March at 12:00 hrs.
January 2009
* Dr Jean-Christophe Pitavy (Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne)
Linguist (French, Latin, Classic Greek as well as many European Languages).
His research focuses on articulation, syntax and morphology as well as praxis (sentence, utterance, discourse). His latest work concerns person exponents, impersonal utterances as unstressed pronouns.
Co-editor (together with Michèle Bigot) of the post-conference publication Ellipse et effacement, Saint-Etienne, 2008.
Dr Jean-Christophe Pitavy delivered two lectures (as part of the lectures by Professors K. Bogacki and Anna Kieliszczyk):
- Modes et modalités en français (12 January, 11:30 a.m., room 121, Oboźna)
- Le déterminant en français : du lexique à la phrase (15 January, 4:30 p.m., room Śląska, Oboźna)
December 2008
* Directrice de recherches Dominique Bassano (CNRS/Paris 8 University, Laboratorium Structures Formelles du Langage )
A psycholinguist, specialist in language acquisition: studies evolution of the linguistic system among French children aged from one to four years (vocabulary, rudiments of grammar involving the use of nouns, verbs as well as the accompanying prosody). She also works i.a. on speech impediments of autistic children.
She is the co-author of encyclopaedic publications (Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences du langages, ed. O. Ducrot, J.-M. Schaeffer,1995; L’acquisition du langage, t. 1, ed. M. Fayol. M. Kail, 2000; The Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy Development 2008, on line).
Prof. Dominique Bassano shall deliver two lectures:
1. L'émergence du langage chez l'enfant: approches, questions, débats (as part of the lecture by Prof. Anna Mańkowska, on Monday 8 December, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., room 121, ul. Oboźna 8, 1st floor)
2. Lexique et grammaire au début du langage: recherches récentes sur le développement des noms et des verbes en français (as part of the lecture by Prof. Krystyna Wróblewska-Pawlak, on Tuesday 9 December, 9:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m., room 121, ul. Oboźna 8, 1st floor)
An introduction to the lectures may be the publication by D. Bassano en ligne (2008)
Jalons du développement du langage en français,
You will find a photocopy in the library of the Institute of French Studies, in the „Phonetics” file.
November 2008
* Dr Alain Brouté (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Lecturer in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, in the Faculty of Philosophy and the Arts in the French Department. His specialty are oral interactions in French language classes. Author of the book Les interactions orales en classe de FLE (Pearson Longman, 2008).
Dr Alain Brouté delivered a lecture (as part of the thematic seminar by Prof. J. Zając):
- Préparer aux interactions orales spontanées en classe de FLE (19 November, 11:30 a.m., room 121, Oboźna)
* Prof. Arlette Veglia Andrea (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Director of the French Department in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Faculty of Philosophy and the Arts). Her particular expertise lies in translation in specialised legal French and Spanish.
Prof. Arlette Veglia Andrea delivered a lecture (as part of Master’s seminar of Prof. J. Zając):
- L'image de la femme dans les séries télévisées (20 November, 9:45 a.m., room 121, Oboźna)
October 2008
* Dr Alfredo Alvarez Alvarez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Lecturer in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, in the Faculty of Philosophy and the Arts in the French Department. His specialty is remote teaching as well as use of multimedia in foreign language teaching. He is the author of the website
Dr Alfredo Alvarez Alvarez delivered a lecture (as part of the thematic seminar and open doctoral seminar of Prof. J. Zając):
- Les TICE en cours de français: concepts, outils de travail, outils d’analyse, le multimédia, le WEB 2.0. (22 October, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., room 114, Oboźna and 23 October, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., room 209, Old BUW)
* Prof. Christian Belin (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III)
Scholar of literature, researcher of ties between literature and theology, especially 16th and 17th century French literature.
Author of books:
L'oeuvre de Pierre Charron 1541-1603. Littérature et théologie de Montaigne à Port Royal, Paris, Champion, 1995
La conversation intérieure. la méditation au XVIIe siècle, Paris, Champion, 2002
La méditation au XVIIe siècle : rhétorique, art, spiritualité, Paris, Champion, 2006 (award from the French Academy)
Prof. Ch. Belin delivered two lectures (for the public at large as well as during the discussion session by Dr. Monika Kulesza on History of 17th century French literature):
- La symbolique des lieux dans le théâtre de Racine (29 October, 11:30 a.m., room 121, Oboźna)
- Le thème de la connaissance de soi chez Pierre Nicole (30 October, 11:30 a.m., room 27, Browarna)
* Prof. Marie Blaise (University Paul-Valéry Montpellier III)
Professor of French and comparative literature, a scholar mainly of 19th century literature, especially Romanticism and Symbolism. Author of many works on such artists as: G. Flaubert, A. Rimbaud, S. Mallarmé, E. Dickinson, T.S. Eliot, E.A. Poe as well as a monograph on Terres Gastes. Fiction d’autorité au Moyen Age et dans le romantisme (2005).
Soon her book “Fictions d’autorité, essai de théorie et d'histoire de la genèse des formes littéraires” will be published.
Prof. Marie Blaise delivered two lectures :
- „Mon oeuvre n'est plus un mythe”: l’abstraction de Mallarmé (14 October, 11:30 a.m., room 25, Browarna, as part of the discussion session by Dr J. Zbierska-Mościcka on History of 19th century French literature)
- „Je est un autre”: fictions d’autorité et mélancolie romantique au XIXe siècle (15 October, 11:30 a.m., room 121, Oboźna, lecture for the public at large)
* Prof. Istvan Csury (University in Debrecen)
Director of the French Language Institute in the University of Debrecen. A linguist working mainly on the borders of semantics, syntax and linguistic praxis.
Author of i.a. the monograph Le champ lexical de „mais” (2001) as well as Le français au bout des doigts : manuel dynamique de perfectionnement linguistique en langue française (2006).
Prof. Istvan Csury delivered a lecture (instead of the monographic lecture by Prof. K. Bogacki):
- La représentation des connecteurs: de la pragmatique à la lexicographie (13 October, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., room 121, Oboźna)