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Academic year 2011/2012
International scientific conference „Apollinaire à travers l’Europe”
To commemorate anniversary of publication of the selection of poems „Alcools” (1913), on 20 and 21 October 2011 the international scientific conference was held in the Institute of French Studies of the University of Warsaw attended by scientists researching works of Apollinaire from Poland, France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. Detailed conference agenda can be found in the French language version of this site (L’événementiel).
UFR Lettres et Langues Université de Poitiers and Institute for French Studies invite for glottodidactic scientific conference Les compétences en progression: défi pour la didactique des langues to be held on 23 and 24 September, 2011 in UFR Lettres et Langues/ Maison des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université de Poitiers. For more information visit:
Academic year 2010/2011
Scientific conference „Medicine and Literature
On 16-17 May, 2011 Franco-Polish scientific conference Médecine et littérature was organised by the Institute for French Studies under the cooperation agreement, in place for nearly 25 years, between the University of Warsaw and Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III. It was an eighth consecutive conference attended by specialists in French literature from Middle Ages to the 20th century and specialists in Francophone literature. Within the particularly close cooperation between the Institute for French Studies and Département de Lettres modernes, later Centre d'Études littéraires françaises, involved also historians from both universities. Besides organisation of scientific conferences (full list below) exchange of staff members has been effectively developing - staff members, doctoral students and students participate in the scientific and didactic processes conducted by both schools.
List of scientific conferences organised under the direct cooperation agreement signed between the University of Warsaw and the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III
1. Montpellier, 5-6 May, 1987:
Continuité et rupture dans l'histoire et la littérature
Paris, Champion, 1988
2. Warsaw, 23-28 June, 1989:
Parole et révolutions
Paris, Champion, 1992
3. Montpellier, 22-24 June, 1992:
Pologne-France: la vision de l'autre
Paris, Champion, 1994
4. Warsaw, 8-10 May, 1995:
Figures du héros national
Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 1996
5. Montpellier, 17-20 June, 1998:
Guerre et paix en Europe
Montpellier, Université Paul-Valéry, 2000
6. Warsaw, 3-5 June, 2002:
Le Sacre d'une capitale
Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 2005
7. Montpellier, 15-16 June, 2006:
Littérature et politique: les représentations du pouvoir
8. Warsaw, 16-17 May, 2011:
Médecine et littérature
21.03.2011 - Francophone Day in the University of Warsaw with participation of the Swiss Ambassador to Poland, Mr Bénédict de Cerjat.
Photos available here.
International conference "Ville-palimpseste, ville en mutation: les représentations de la ville dans les littératures d'expression française après 1980"
On 22-23 October 2010 the Institute for French Studies hosted a conference on renditions of the city in French and French language literature after 1980. The organisers, Dr Wiesław Kroker and Dr Judyta Zbierska-Mościcka, invited cooperation and discussion from Colleagues from other Polish centres and from those universities, with which we have direct cooperation agreements (Saarbrucken) or cooperation agreements under the Erasmus programme (Bordeaux, Brno). Taking part in the session were Professors: Jean-Paul Engélibert (Bordeaux), Józef Kwaterko (Warsaw) and Jerzy Lis (Poznań) as well as Małgorzata Jednoralska-Józefczyk (Gdańsk), Kristina Kohoutovà (Brno), Alicja Koziej (Lublin), Anna Maziarczyk (Lublin), Sabine Narr (Saarbrucken), Tomasz Swoboda (Gdańsk), Katarzyna Thiel-Jańczuk (Poznań) and the organisers. Introductory remarks were delivered by Professor Remigiusz Forycki.
Conference agenda
Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4
Institut d'Etudes romanes à l'Université de Varsovie et Département de Lettres et Langues à l'Université de Poitiers fêtent le 5e anniversaire de leur co-diplomation
The Institute for French Studies of the Warsaw University and the Département de Lettres et Langues of the University in Poitiers are celebrating the 5th year of their agreement on joint diplomas
The agreement between our units allows our students to get two university graduation diplomas, contingent upon meeting certain requirements (i.a. a semester course with the other party, mutual assessment of Master's Theses by our lecturers, settlement of courses taken in both units), thus providing our graduates with a powerful advantage on European and global labour markets.
The inauguration ceremony of the fifth year of cooperation between our units took place on 21st September 2010 in the Golden Room of Kazimierzowski Palace of the Warsaw University. The ceremony, which we attempted to be more of a family event, was attended by following persons:
Corinne Baylac - attaché of the French Embassy for university cooperation, whose enthusiasm and financial support made the event possible,
Sylwia Salamon - Head of Internal Cooperation Bureau of the Warsaw University, aiding us from the start of the programme and providing administrative support for the cooperation agreement,
Krystyna Wróblewska-Pawlak - Prodean for student affairs at the Faculty of Modern Languages, Warsaw University,
Freiderikos Valetopoulos - Deputy Dean for student affairs at UFR Lettres et Langues in the University of Poitiers,
Judyta Zbierska-Mościcka, Deputy Director of Institute for French Studies (IFS) for foreign cooperation,
Anna Kieliszczyk - Erasmus coordinator w IFS
The Colleagues from IFS involved in the joint diplomas agreement and the crucial persons, however scarcely represented - the programme participants, students Ewelina Siwik from IFS and Josselin Blanco from the University of Poitiers.
We recalled the beginnings of the programme, its significance for the common European educational space as well as its dynamic growth, which allowed us to broaden our cooperation, also in the scientific realm, which led to joint scientific sessions and in the future will hopefully result in joint doctorate papers.
The first two diplomas were presented to the representatives of our institutes.
Our cooperation is excellent, for it is based on trust, mutual respect, but above all on human friendship and respect for the same values in the scientific world.
Therefore we take this opportunity to wish ourselves the best and longest possible follow-up!
Programme organisers and initiators
Jolanta Zając - IFS UW
Philippe Caron - Université de Poitiers
Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
2009/2010 academic year
„Littérature et collection" international conference (Warsaw, 4-5 March 2010)
On 4 and 5 March this year the Institute for French Studies hosted an international literary studies session devoted to „Littérature et collection". The conference was coorganised with the Literary Studies Department by Département des Lettres of the University of Poitiers, with which we have a cooperation agreement under the Erasmus programme, and since 2007 also the agreement on double diplomas. The scientific committee of the session was made-up of Professors: Dominique Moncond'huy and Henri Scepi from Poitiers as well as Professors: Remigiusz Forycki and Zbigniew Naliwajek from Warsaw. Our Institute was extensively represented: Remigiusz Forycki, Monika Kulesza, Dariusz Krawczyk (Teachers' College of the French Language), Agata Sobczyk, Dorota Szeliga, Dorota Żółkiewska and Joanna Żurowska. The inaugurating lecture was delivered by Prof. Krzysztof Pomian, while international guests included Daniel Grojnowski and Bernard Vouilloux.
Session programme
International conference on the occasion of 90th anniversary of French Studies - Les etudes romanes/francaises hier et aujourd'hui
In 2009 we were celebrating the 90th anniversary of the establishment of French Studies at the Warsaw University. The Institute of French Studies of the Warsaw University commemorated this with an international session on 16 October 2009 titled "Les études romanes/ françaises hier et aujourd'hui", combined with an anniversary exhibition "90 years of French Studies in the Warsaw University". Guests from Polish and foreign universities came numerously to the session, H.M. the Warsaw University Rector Prof. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow, H.E. François Barry Delongchamps the French Ambassador in Poland, the authorities of the Faculty of Modern Languages, Warsaw University, as well as naturally Warsaw-based scholars, lecturers and students of French. 15 lectures were delivered in reflection on the current condition of French Studies in Poland and in Europe. The accompanying exhibition presented the history of French Studies in Warsaw as well as numerous publications by our scholars of French Studies. Opening of the exhibition was connected with presentation of the commemorative book to Professor Henryk Chudak.
Session programme
Photos from the conference
2008/2009 academic year
Language studies session to celebrate the 90th anniversary of French Studies in the Warsaw University
„Des mots et du texte aux conceptions de la description linguistique »,
18-20 June 2009
Organised with support of the Superiors of the Warsaw University, the Deans of the Faculty of Modern Languages, the Centre of French Culture and Francophone Studies as well as the French-Polish Chamber of Industry and Trade, our session became an opportunity to meet and engage in debate for the Polish scholars of French with their colleagues from France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria and Albania.
The Scientific Committee was comprised of (in alphabetical order):
Xavier Blanco (Barcelona); Philippe Caron (Poitiers); Sylviane Cardey (Besançon); Istvan Csüry (Debrecen); Jean-Pierre Desclés (Paris-Sorbonne IV); Peter Greenfield (Besançon); Zlatka Guenchéva (Paris, CNRS-LACITO ); Alain Kihm (CNRS-Paris 7) and French scholars from the Warsaw University: Krzysztof Bogacki, Anna Dutka-Mańkowska, Teresa Giermak-Zielińska, Anna Kieliszczyk, Elżbieta Pachocińska and Krystyna Wróblewska-Pawlak.
Following persons made-up the Organisation Committee: Anna Mańkowska, Ewa Pilecka and doctoral students: Marta Broniatowska, Agata Kaczmarczyk, Agnieszka Piętka and Agnieszka Wojciechowska.
The opening ceremony was led by Prodean of the Faculty of Modern Languages Dr Krystyna Wróblewska-Pawlak, Director of the Institute for French Studies Prof. Remigiusz Forycki, Prof. Krzysztof Bogacki for many years Director of the Linguistics Department, as well as the attaché universitaire from the French Embassy, Jean-Jack Cegarra. With a minute of silence the assembled persons honoured the memory of Prof. Stanisław Karolak, who died on 5 June.
Inaugurating lectures were delivered by: Prof. Philippe Caron (Poitiers): La dynamique du changement linguistique en français 1610-1650 and Prof. Jean-Pierre Desclés (Paris 4 Sorbonne, LaLIC) La thórie de l'énonciation en France.
The deliberations took place in the Senate Room, in the Ballroom of the Tyszkiewiczów-Potockich Palace, as well as in the Institute for French Studies. The guests spoke highly about the venues, both as regards available technology as well as aesthetic appeal.
French was the language of the discussions. 56 lectures were delivered, presenting various aspects of methodological choices in the description of linguistic phenomena. To wit some examples of the rich subject matter: formal renditions - as well as matters of style and versification, theoretical matters - and training of translators, new situations in word-formation - as well as studies on the language aspect in Old French. The opportunity was created to look at an object-oriented approach to language, with computer linguistics as well as verbalisation and description of feelings. Many interventions concerned research on discourse.
Apart from French, also Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Italian, English, Pidgin and Creole languages were resorted to.
The atmosphere of scholarly debate enlivened the interventions, prepared both by the masters as well as the doctoral students, still building-up their scientific experience (including Polish 3rd cycle students, preparing their dissertation in France).
After the full day of discussions the participants relaxed at a chamber music concert in the Ballroom, with a performance by Aleksandra Kuls (violin) and Marcin Koziak (piano). Coming as a surprise was the Steinway grand piano, provided by the Musicology Institute. After the session the participants did a sightseeing tour of the Royal castle and the Old Town.
A set of post-conference materials is being prepared, to be published by the Warsaw University Publishing House.
(Developed by Prof. Anna Mańkowska)
Photos from the session: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Summary of the session « Développer les compétences multiples chez l'enseignant et chez l'apprenant en classe de langue »
On 13 March 2009 a one-day scientific session took place, organised by the IFS Department of Didactics and Methodology of Romance Languages. The session marked the start of celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Institute for French Studies, due in autumn this year, commemorating and paying tribute to Dr Lucjan Grobelak (1929-1994) - a long-standing employee of IFS, eminent scholar of teaching French as a foreign language and translation theory.
The session was opened by representatives of the authorities of the Department of Modern Languages: Dr Krystyna Wróblewska-Pawlak, Prodean for student affairs, Director of IFS Prof. Remigiusz Forycki, representatives of the French Embassy: Mr Gilles Carasso - conseiller de coopération et d`action culturelle and Mr Paul Romanovitch - attaché de coopération pour le français.
Warm memories of Doctor Lucjan Grobelak were shared with us by his long-standing colleague and friend Doctor Ludomir Przestaszewski.
Our guests that day were eminent glottodidacticians from universities in Katowice, Poznań, Lublin, Wrocław, Kraków, Szczecin and Białystok, with the inaugurating lecture being delivered by Prof. Isabelle Gruca from Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, co-author of the monograph "Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde" (PUG, 2003), popular among scholars of French. The main theme of Prof. Gruca's lecture was the profile of a teacher of foreign languages in an evolution perspective.
The subject matter of the session was closely connected with the so very important questions of forming and developing multiple competencies both of the student as well as teacher. Speaking of multiple competencies of course alludes to Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligencies, which describes eight types of intelligence, comprising the picture of our cognitive structure. From a didactic point of view the necessary or indeed essential competencies are definitely multiple in the education process, for they refer to the multiple aspects of linguistic and non-linguistic work. Apart from the obvious competencies, connected strictly with the language itself, there are also competencies less emphasised, yet equally important for successful teaching/learning; they include psychosocial competencies, connected with transfer of skills, related to new teaching formulae e.g. distance teaching, metacompetencies, intercultural competencies concerning both speech (e.g. narration) as well as writing; competencies stemming from the needs of specialised language and many others.
The 16 lectures, which were delivered, explicitly underscored this competence diversity, attempting to indicate the possibility of translating them to didactic practice.
Taking part in the French Studies session were teachers of French from Warsaw's gymnasiums and lyceums, thus demonstrating their interest in modern glottodidactic theories. Such an opportunity to engage in a direct discussion involving theoreticians and practicioners is a source of great satisfaction.
Finally it is worth emphasising the cordial atmosphere of the deliberations and discussions, both formal and informal, which provided an opportunity for exchanging thoughts, results of research and didactic work, but also an occasion to realise that we are not alone in the difficult work as teachers or scholars.
Prof. UW Jolanta Zając
Head of the Organising Committee
See photos from the session:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
2007/2008 academic year
Scientific conference of the 10th Meeting of Specialists in Old Romance Language Literatures, „The themes of loneliness and community in old romance language literatures (Mediaeval-18th century)".
6-8 December 2007, Warsaw University, Kazimierzowski Palace, Senate Room
Organising Committee:
Chairperson: Prof. Teresa Giermak-Zielińska,
Members: Dr Monika Kulesza,
Dr Agata Sobczyk,
Dr Dorota Szeliga,
Dr Ewa Dorota Żółkiewska
From 6th to 8th December 2007 in the UW Senate Room the tenth anniversary conference was held in the series „Meeting of Specialists in Old Romance Language Literatures", organised by the Institute for French Studies of the Warsaw University. The traditional purpose of the Meetings is to disseminate knowledge about the status of research on old Romance Language literatures (French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese) as well as to integrate the Polish community of French scholars. The deliberations were enriched by performances of Renaissance and Baroque dances by the "Panteon" Group of Old Culture Lovers.
The initiative to organise annual conferences arose in the UW Institute of French Studies at the initiative of two of our colleagues Prof. Jan Miernowski and the late Doctor Andrzej Siemek. The first two meetings, thanks to the overwhelming support of the then-Vice-Director of the Institute Dr Adam Stepnowski, were held in Warsaw (1997,1998); the next ones were organised by other academic centres (Kraków 1999, Lublin 2000, Łódź 2001, Wrocław 2003, Poznań 2004, Kraków 2005, Toruń 2006, This year's 11th Meetings will take place in Gdańsk). The success of this initiative is confirmed by the fact that taking part in the Meeting are research workers, research-teaching Staff and doctoral students from 12 Polish universities (Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University, PWSZ - Wałbrzych, Szczecin University, Marie Curie-Skłodowska University, Catholic University of Lublin, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Adam Mickiewicz University, Wrocław University, Łódź University, Gdańsk University, Silesian University). Every next conference brings together more and more specialists, conducting literary research as regards Romance language literatures in the period from Mediaeval to end of 18th century. Due to the open nature of the conference the official language is Polish.
The lectures should be published in book format by the end of the year (Warsaw University Publishing House).
Following persons from among the staff and doctoral students of our Institute, delivered lectures (in order from the programme):
Prof. T. Giermak-Zielińska, «Polish translations of old French literature: in search of translation strategy »
M. Sokołowicz MA, «Alone in the struggle - the vision of man in sonnets by Mikołaj Sęp Szarzyński and Jean de Sponde»
Prof. I. Zatorska, «Adventures of the lonely mind (Descartes, Bayle, Fontenelle)»
M. Zawadzka MA, «Single-handed and together - the heroes of Eureka and Aeneid Chrétien de Troyes»
Dr M. Malinowska, «The problem of priesthood of women in a Christian community on the basis of French seventeenth century treaties »
Dr E. D. Żółkiewska, «The other one, or voluntary loneliness in a community (The life of St. Alexius, Lai de Lanval by Marie de France)»
Dr A. Sobczyk, «A farewell to a leper: Jean Bodel and Baude Fastoul»
Dr M. Kulesza, «Alone in a community - cases of "the socialite″ in La Bruyère's Characters»
Dr D. Szeliga, «Montaigne about the art of life in society, keeping autonomy»
Dr D. Krawczyk, «Poetry at the service of caritas. On the community dimension of poetry of Małgorzata Nawarska»
Other participants - see programme.
See photos from the session and dance show:
1 , 2 , 3
The Institute of French Studies received a UKA Education Quality Certificate for the years 2007-2012
The Certificate was personally presented to Prof. Jolanta Zając, Deputy Director of the Institute of French Studies, by Prorector of the Warsaw University, Prof. Konstanty Adam Wojtaszczyk.
Using this opportunity and on the occasion of the Warsaw University Day, on 14th November this year the Institute of French Studies prepared two scientific events, devoted to the work of Gérard de Nerval (1808-1855), one of the greatest French poets.
Prof. Zbigniew Naliwajek with his doctoral students as well as other students presented to the audience in the UW Senate Room brief communiqués concerning matters to do with the author's work (Marta Kozłowska spoke about the friendship of Nerval and Dumas, the poet's associations with German literature, especially Faustus, which he translated into French - were discussed by Małgorzata Sokołowicz, the role of recollection in then Daughters of Fire - Karolina Więcław, about Nerval the music critic - Anna Opiela, about Norwid and Nerval - Filip Kwiatek, about reading of Nerval by Proust - Dorota Dremierre, about the activity of Nadar as a photographer, who captured the images of Nerval as well as many other French writers - Vita Drygas).
Then in the lobby of Kazimierzowski Palace, the director of the Warsaw University Museum Dr Tomasz Strączek opened the exhibition "Gérard de Nerval. 1808-1855". The author of the scenario of the exhibition, which will be open until 30 November this year, is Prof. Zbigniew Naliwajek, the decorations are by Maria Szewalska. Computer support has been provided by Łukasz Kamiński from Contento.
See photos from the ceremony of presenting the Education Quality Certificate to the Institute:
1 , 2 , 3 , 4
See photos from the exhibition:
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9