Courses Descriptions
Courses: HF
- HF
- Department for French Literature
- HF
- IInd year, autumn term - 2h/week
- dr hab. Jerzy PYSIAK, IH UW
- Department for French Literature
This cycle of lectures shall propose to the students a panoramic view of the general history of France in the Middle Ages, beginning with the creation of the state of the Franks, continuing rhrough the times of the first Merovingians, until the Italian wars.
- 1. France before France: the Meroviongians and the creation of the state of Franks. The Carolingian Empire and its hertage in medieval France.
- 2. The dislocation of the Carolingian empire and the year 987 - Hugues Capet and the reign of the Capetians
- 3. Political and cultural diversification of the medieval France : Pays de la Langue d'Oïl, Pays de la Langue d'Oc (Occitanie) - The Capetian kingdom, the Anglo-norman kingdom
- 4. The reign of the Kings, its ideology and strategies, in the time of the Princes : the King, the Church and the Princes (1)
- 5. The reign of the Kings, its ideology and strategies, in the time of the Princes : the King, the Church and the Princes (2)
- 6. The spiritual and intellectual life in the medieval France in the times of the first Capetians (XIth-XIIth centuries)
- 7. The social and economical florishing development of France in Capetians' times (XIth-XIIIth centuries)
- 8. The Capetians and the Plantagenets (1154-1328)
- 9. The XIIIth century - St Louis and the first Grand Siècle of France.
- 10. The French civilisation in the Capetians' times
- 11. The last of the Capetians, the first Valois and the crisis of the XIVth century
- 12. The Hundred Years' War: myths and reality
- 13. Paris - how a capital was born
- 14. France in the XVth century - the King or the Princes? The emerging of the State (1)
- 15. France in the XVth century - the King or the Princes? The emerging of the State (2)
The whole cycle of lectures admits freely students of other faculties.
Three short written tests (about 15 min each) will take place, each of them concerning the pevious lecture. Only a positive note in two of them at least will ensure a positive note in the whole cycle (mention: lecture) for any student.
As to the students from the Institute of French Studies, only them will have to pass an oral examination during the winter session (mention: examination).
To be admitted, each student must have the mention "Lecture" in his book and display his knowledge of two works of general French history given in the Selected bibligraphy, and of two complementary references chosen in the same list.
Students who will obtain the maximum number of points in the three tests may be dispensed of the examination at all.
I. Manuals of general French history:
A. (1 to be selected)
- 1) Histoire de France, sous la dir. de J. Carpentier et F. Lebrun en collab. avec É. Carpentier
- 2) K. F. Werner, Histoire de France t. 1: Les origines : (avant l'an mil)
- 3) Histoire de la France, t. 1, Naissance d'une nation, des origines à 1348, t. 2, Dynasties et révolutions, de 1348 à 1852, sous la dir. de G. Duby (t. 2 - do początków XVI w.)
- 4) Histoire de la France, t. 1: L'espace français [par L. Bergon et al.; vol. dirigé par J. Revel]; t. 2: L'état et les pouvoirs / sous la direction d'A. Burguière et J. Revel ; [par R. Descimon et al. ; vol. dirigé par J. Le Goff
- 5) J. Baszkiewicz, Historia Francji (do początków XVI w.)
- 6) Le Moyen Âge. Le Roi, l'Église, les grands, le peuple. 481-1514, sous la direction de Ph. Contamine
- 7) J. Favier, Dictionnaire de la France médiévale
B. (1 to be selected)
1) J. Kowalski, A. i M. Loba, J. Prokop, Dzieje kultury francuskiej (until the beginning of the XVIth century)
2) G. Duby, R. Mandrou, Historia kultury francuskiej (until the beginning of the XVIth century)
II. Complementary works:
A. (1 1 to be selected)
- 1)G. Duby, Les trois ordres ou l'imaginaire du féodalisme
- 2)G. Duby, Bitwa pod Bouvines
- 3)G. Duby, Rycerz, kobieta i ksiądz. Małżeństwo w feudalnej Francji
- 4)J. Le Goff, Święty Ludwik
- 5)M. Bloch, Królowie cudotwórcy
- 6)E. M. Hallam, J. Everard, Francja w czasach Kapetyngów
- 7)P. Riché, Karolingowie
- 8)M. Barber, Katarzy
- 9)J. Krynen, L'empire du roi : idées et croyances politiques en France XIIIe-XVe siècle
- 10) F. Autrand, Jean de Berry : l'art et le pouvoir
- 11) J. Favier, Les Plantagenêts : origines et destin d'un empire, XIe-XIVe siècles
- 12) B. Tuchman, Odległe zwierciadło
B. (1 to be selected)
- 13) C. Duhamel-Amadou, G. Brunel-Lobrichon, Życie codzienne w czasach trubadurów
- 14) B. Geremek, Życie codzienne w Paryżu w czasach Franciszka Villona
- 15) M. Defourneaux, Życie codzienne w czasach Joanny d'Arc
- 16) Ch. Lelong, Życie codzienne w Galii Merowingów
- 17) P. Riché, Życie codzienne w państwie Karola Wielkiego
- 18) E. Faral, Życie codzienne we Francji w czasach Ludwika Świętego
- 19) M. Pastoureau, Życie codzienne we Francji i Anglii w czasach rycerzy Okrągłego Stołu
- 20) P. Zumthor, Wilhelm Zdobywca
- 21) P. M. Kendall, Ludwik XI
- 22) W. Fałkowski, Potestas regia : władza i polityka w królestwie zachodniofrankijskim na przełomie IX i X wieku
- 23) C. Beaune, Naissance de la nation France
- 24) G. Duby, Czasy katedr. Sztuka i społeczeństwo 980-1420
- 25) G. Duby, Rok Tysięczny
- 26) G. Duby, Damy XII wieku
- 27) J. Huizinga, Jesień średniowiecza
- 28) M. Mollat, Średniowieczny rodowód nowożytnej Francji
- 29) O. Von Simson, Katedra gotycka
- 30) S. Lusignan, La construction d'une identité universitaire en France : (XIIIe-XVe siècle) : "Vérité Garde le Roy"
Courses details:
The programme, including the description of particular courses, is the same both for full-time studies and for part-time studies. |
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Department for Methodology of French Teaching Department for Romance Linguistics Department for French Literature |
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